How Much is the Lion on TikTok A Complete Guide

How Much is the Lion on TikTok? A Complete Guide

Many users send virtual gifts on TikTok, an exciting way to support their favorite creators. Of all the gift options available, the prestigious Lion stands out as one of the most coveted. But with a hefty price tag, many wonder how much is the lion on TikTok worth.

In short TikTok Lion worth is 29,999 coins, equivalent to over $400 real money. Now, I’ll break down everything you need to know about the TikTok Lion gift, from what it looks like to how viewers can get their hands on those elusive coins. Let’s dig in!

What is the Lion Gift on TikTok & How Much is the Lion on TikTok?

The Lion gift on TikTok Live is a fully animated lion that dramatically walks on-screen during a livestream and unleashes a deafening roar. It’s easily one of the most impressive and attention-grabbing gifts available.

But all that fanfare comes at a steep price. At 29,999 virtual coins, the TikTok Lion costs over $400 in real money – making it prohibitively expensive for most viewers.

To put that TikTok Live Lion gift price in perspective, some of TikTok’s cheapest gift options, like the Rose or Panda, cost around 5 coins each. Even pricier standouts like the Space Rocket or Money Rain gifts cap at 9,999 coins.

Breakdown of the Lion Gift’s 29,999 Coin/$400 Cost

Since TikTok coins don’t always translate neatly to dollars and cents, it helps to break the Lion gift TikTok price down more clearly:

  • 29,999 TikTok coins are the listed price for 1 Lion gift
  • 100 TikTok coins = $1.39 based on coin package costs
  • So 29,999 coins x $1.39 per 100 coins = $417.39

In simpler terms – it costs over $400 cash to gift someone 1 animated Lion on TikTok Live streams!

We can better understand why TikTok viewers rarely gift Lions despite their popularity. Forking over such a huge stack of cash for a digital animation is no small purchase. But for diehard fans of a creator, the prestige and reactions the Lion gift sparks make it worthwhile.

how much is lion on TikTok

Sending Expensive Gifts Like the Lion to TikTok Creators

Gifting a TikTok Lion requires commitment, but sending any virtual gift involves knowing the process. Let’s go over the steps:

Steps for Buying and Sending TikTok Gifts

First, you need to buy TikTok coins to load up your virtual wallet:

  1. Tap the profile icon in the bottom right of the app
  2. Select “Settings and privacy” then tap “Balance.”
  3. Choose your preferred coin package ($0.99 – $249.99)
  4. Complete purchase through the App Store/Play Store

Once you’ve got coins, here is how to send a TikTok Live gift:

  1. Join the Live stream you want to gift to
  2. Tap the gift icon near the stream’s comment section
  3. Browse the available gifts, tapping your choice
  4. Enter the number of gifts if prompted
  5. Tap “Send” to deliver your virtual gift!

That’s it! The creator will receive a notification of your pricey Lion gift or other contribution.

TikTok Coins Packages Available for Purchase

Given the Lion’s staggering coin cost, let’s overview the TikTok coin packages where viewers can fund their gift purchases:

  • 65 Coins – $0.99
  • 330 Coins – $4.99
  • 660 Coins – $9.99
  • 1,980 Coins – $29.99
  • 6,607 Coins – $99.99
  • 16,500 Coins – $249.99

As you can see, no package offers enough coins to buy the 29,999 Lion gift TikTok outright. Viewers must combine multiple purchases of over $400 to obtain that many TikTok coins!

The Lion is One of the Most Coveted TikTok Live Gifts

It’s not hard to see why the flashy Lion gift has become so coveted, considering:

Reasons the Lion Gift is Rare But Memorable

  • The high price makes it inaccessible to most
  • Awesome animated roaring lion display
  • Huge coin total symbolizing major financial support
  • Relative rarity compared to cheaper gifts

The Lion stands out in a sea of Roses and Finger Hearts. Top creators often prominently feature and thank Lion gift senders for their next-level generosity.

That prestige and recognition are exactly why devoted fans dish out $400+ to spark excitement with a Lion. While 99% of gifts sent might be low-cost Flowers or Perfumes, it’s often the biggest spenders who grab the spotlight.

Considerations Around Sending the Lion or Other High-Value Gifts

Before depleting your bank account to send streamers diamond rings and roaring digital Lions, let’s recap some key points:

  • The Lion and other top gifts should only be considered if a creator profoundly impacts your life and contentment
  • Less expensive presents still show genuine support at a more affordable level
  • If opting for a high-value gift, assess your budget and financial situation first
  • Disable in-app purchases or gift-sending if needed to curb overspending habits
  • Appreciate all TikTok creators offer without feeling pressured to donate

Ultimately, you get to decide what brings joy and how to spend wisely aligned with personal financial realities. The TikTok Lion remains the platform’s most prestigious virtual gift—but even a few Roses can warm a creator’s day! You can also cross verify it.

Hopefully, now you have detailed information about the query Much is the Lion on TikTok including its cost in Dollar and in TikTok Coins.

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